Threesome bookings, the favourite booking of both the girls and me. The thrills of seduction. The indulging and melting in each other. Lovely such a dazzling threesome date. I often get the question: do you also indulge each other? That’s the good part, really taking the time for each other. For everyone to be driven...
- Reliable and honest service
- Where discretion meets empowerment
- A legal and licensed agency
- Real Girlfriend Experience
- Fast and transparent communication
Tag: threesome
From now on, new blog every week!
From this week on, I will start up again with a new blog every week about an exciting date that happened or something else I want to tell you about. You will probably know that I wrote my own book. This was a huge success, I loved the reactions I got. Now almost two years...
It’s actually quite exciting, my first blog. To give you a peek into my life.
I had a really spontaneous threesome date last week with one of my best friends. I texted the customer if he might like a threesome. As a fact of me drinking wine with my girl at the moment and she also wanted to experience a threesome and she was in the mood for it. The...