Applying for a job at Lovelyisa

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How does the process of applying for a job at Lovelyisa work? 

Once a girl shows interest in joining Lovelyisa, the first thing I ask her to do is to submit a letter of motivation, a brief explanation of the why of wanting to work in this industry along with some recent photos of herself. If I think her profile matches a high class escort, I schedule a FaceTime call with her. In the FaceTime conversation, we will go deeper into personal details.

I find it important to connect with the girl in person and if this connection is mutual, we move on to the next step and I send her the so-called guide. The guide is like a manual, explaining in detail how everything works, what the earnings are and what exactly is expected of you as a high class escort girl. If the girl has read through the guide and we both still have a positive opinion about it, we will meet.

During this interview, we go through the guide together and, if necessary, sign the contract and schedule the photo shoot. After this, we create a temporary profile on the website and the girl can fill in her own schedule. During this first period, I guide the girl very intensively. From a checklist of what she takes with her in her work bag to which lingerie she might have to buy to belong to the higher segment.

If she has had a couple of dates and it still suits both of us then we proceed the photoshoot. We had already planned this shoot while signing the contract. I only work with a dedicated top photographer who is completely discreet and very professional. The photos will be carefully selected by me and the girl’s temporary profile will be updated.

I hope this gave you an insight into how the application process works, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And are you interested in working as a high class escort yourself? Don’t hesitate and send me a message!

Love, Isa

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